Shall I call it December? We've got enough Novembers to go around.

 One day shy of December.  A lovely month that will bring about the start of longer daylight, my birthday, my daughter's birthday, Christmas, and possibly some snow... just a little is nice.  Hopefully it will also include some adoptions for those Minis who are ready to go, and more healing for those who are still in rehabilitation.  We've got five new Minis in, as of last weekend.  Luckily, our November Auction Auction was a huge success, raising nearly $2000!

We picked up Juliet & Jig, Whiskey, Delta and November.  All were suffering from varied neglect.  

Juliet is emaciated.  She is only two years old, and has a three month old foal at foot.  She was not provided with adequate nutrition to finish growing herself, let alone forming and nurturing a new life.  Jig is malnourished and has a very unhealthy coat.  He does have some spark though, so we are hopeful that he will make up for lost time now and reach his full potential.

Whiskey has some major dental issues.  The vet lifted one rotting tooth out and pulled another.  He's out about half a dozen teeth in all and now gets what I call "seven layer dip" for his meals.  Layers of soaked hay cubes, various pellets, vitamins and other supplements all topped with grated carrots.  LOL

Delta's teeth have likely never been tended to.  She had contstantly lacerated cheeks from all of the sharp edges in her mouth.  The vet could not even reach in there until she took some of the sharps down - it would have been too dangerous.

And November had very overgrown hooves.  One more trim and they should be okay.  Here's what the farrier took off the first time...

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