Have you got time to do my hair?

Today was Farrier Day for the new five and our amazing hoof wizard, Taylor Josiassen, came out to donate her time!  We were most concerned about Glory, as she was in a full body sweat at the auction from painful feet.  We were fearing the worst - founder!  There was a huge sigh of relief when the farrier said that she had minimal stretch and bruising.  The pain was being caused by extremely overgrown (tall) hooves and flares that caused her to rock on her feet!  Much more easy to deal with!  Here's how it went...


The three skinny boys also had hoof issues, in the form of many abscesses.  Gallant had the worst one though and had to get a poultice and moon boot.  The poor guy had a tough time figuring out how to walk afterwards.  LOL  Kind of like when you stick those booties on a dog.  LOL  He did finally get the hang of it though.

Glory also got all of the burrs taken out of her mane, tail and legs.  The poor girl was a pincushion!  The boys were groomed as well and had their first powdering.  Tomorrow the vet comes for their preliminary exams and perhaps some work if they are strong enough.