
Hiya folks!

My apologies for slacking off in the Blog department.  My life has been... interesting... lately, but things are moving along.  I won't go into detail here, but feel free to ask.  Sufficed to say that my life has completely turned upside-down, but with a little bit of sorting out - it will be better in the end.  I did cap off the misadventures with a much-needed trip to Disneyland, so it's all good!  LOL

We just had a wonderful weekend in our booth at the Mane Event!  It was lovely to see all of the familiar faces, get updates on adopted Minis and meet many new prospective Adopters.  We have got a terrific batch of Minis who are now ready to go.

Frodo has been adopted and is VERY much loved in his new home.

Willow, Posy, Chicory, Snowboot, Jet, Spotacus, Oliver Twist, Kitty, Bunny, Harvey and our newest arrival, Echo, are now all up for Adoption.  This is a very diverse group, including some registered and with a lot of driving potential!  I am excited to see what homes will soon come up for them.

Here's a funny shot of Kitty and Bunny from last week...

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